Customising your Smoothbook booking calendar

You can quickly and easily customise the colours of your booking calendar as well as adding your company’s logo.

Customising the colours of your booking calendar

You can customise the colours of the major elements of your booking calendar: page background, buttons, alert messages, etc.

To do this select ‘settings’ from the main menu and then click on the ‘calendar settings’ icon. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the ‘Calendar Colours’ section.

You will see a selection of themes – predetermined colour schemes. If you click on a theme you will see the values in the colour pickers below change according to the theme.

The values in the colour pickers are representations of colour that web browser can read. You can see a larger version of a colour picker at  if you find a colour you like you want to copy and paste the ‘hex’ value into the input fields shown above.

Quick tip: in hex, white is #FFFFFF and black is #000000 .

You can choose a theme that you like and stick with that or customise the different components of the page as you like.

At any time you can see what your calendar will look like by clicking the ‘preview your calendar’ button as highlighted above.

Uploading your company’s logo for display in the booking calendar

You can upload your company’s logo or other image to be displayed in the booking calendar. Simply scroll toward the bottom of the Calendar Settings page.

Generally this is not recommended if your booking calendar is embedded in your website but the choice is yours!

Follow the instructions to upload your logo for display in the booking calendar.